February 18th to March 15, 2014
This post consists of a selection of the best photos taken during our stay in Cambodia. Enjoy!
March 14th, 2014
After over two months of hard travel, we decided that we were due for a little bit of beach time. After leaving John's parents in Kep Province, we headed over to Otres Beach 2 near Sihanoukville. This beach still has a great backpacker's vide and we were able to meet some other interesting travellers like us. Best of all, it was easy to rent a boat and sail to the nearby islands. This video is from our stopover in Koh Ta Kiev.

March 9th, 2014
Pepper is more than just a kurnel that comes in a cheep plastic jar, and Kampot pepper may deserve its own crystal vase. When Cambodia was still a French colony, no Parisian restaurant worth its salt would be without a kilo or two of what is considered one of the world's finest pepper corns. We went to the Vine Retreat in Kep province to find out all about it.
One German and one English video
March 6th, 2014
We took a sunset cruise up the river in Kampot, where we witnessed the daily race of local fishing boats heading out to see to claim the prime fishing spots.
April 22, 2013
Nous avons visité une ferme de poissons d'eau douce à coté du lac Tonle Sap au Cambodge. Ici, dans ce basin, il y a 50 000 poissons qui mangent 500 kilo par jour!
February 28th, 2014
We took a daytrip out to Boeng Tonle Sap to visit Kompong Khleang and a floating village on the lake. This ethnic Vietnamese village has been here since the 1980s when Vietnam controlled Cambodia. We visited the floating school along the way and learned that all the children here actually study Vietnamese and not Cambodian!
March 1st, 2014
Willkommen in einem der interessantesten Tempelkomplexe Angkors. Und für all diejenigen, die es nicht wissen: hier wurde Lara Croft gedreht. Seinen besonderen Reiz verdankt Ta Phrom seinem halbverfallenen Zustand. Als die Restaurationsarbeiten Angkors in der Neuzeit begannen, wurde beschlossen, einen Tempel in dem Zustand zu belassen, in dem sie ihn vorfanden und die Wahl fiel auf Ta Prohm. So seht ihr ein Gemisch aus herabgefallenen Mauersteinen und Vegetation, zumeist Würgefeigen, deren Wurzeln ganze Gebäude überwachsen.
February 18th to March 15th, 2014