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October 2nd to October 28th, 2013

November 2, 2013

An ancient Mongolian tradition dating back to a time before the great Khan rose to power and dominated much of the world, Mongolian goat boxing can trace its origins to the windy steps of Kharakhorum, as is evidenced in the many petroglyphs depicting this ancient sport.


Gobi Desert & Central Mongolia

October 17th to 25th, 2013

A compilation of photos of our adventure in the Gobi Desert & Central Mongolia.


Une compilation de photos de notre aventure dans le desert du Gobi et a la decouvert du centre de la Mongolie.


Eine Zusammenstellung der Fotos unseres Abendteuers in die Gobiwueste und die Zentralmongolei.

Stuck in a snow storm

October 22, 2013


Leaving the Khongoryn Els sand dunes, we drove north toward the ancient Mongol capital of Kharkharum and naturally, hit our third major snow storm of our trip.  Here is a scene during our lunch break, in a canoyon next to a mountain which cannot be named...

Khongoryn Els sand Dunes

October 22, 2013


October 3rd to 15th, 2013

A compilation of photos of our adventure in Western Mongolia. 


Une compilation de photos de notre aventure en Mongolie de l'ouest.


Eine Zusammenstellung der Fotos unseres Abendteuers in der Westmongolei.

Comment faire entrer 12 personnes dans un taxi

October 15, 2013


Le 15 Octobre 2013 nous avons pris un van russe pour aller d'Olgii a Khovd. La surprise... notre conducteur a fait entrer 12 personnes dans la voiture (normalement on peut installer 8 personnes confortablement) et nous sommes partis pour 6 a 7 heures de route! Heuresement, apres quelques heures une famille nomade est descendu du bus qu milleux de nul part...


We took the local taxi-van from Olgii to Khovd on the 13th of October. Normally there are enough seats in one of these vans to comfortably fit 8 people. Somehow we managed to fit in twelve people, including a nomadic family which got off half way, somehow knowing where and how to find there ger (yurt) from the road...

Altai Tavan Bogd National Park

October 12th, 2013

VIDEO: Meet our intrepid Khazak guide Nurbol and learn how Manu sold his wife for 8 horses...

A stint into the wild

October 7th through 12th, 2013

Da wir wussten, dass wir nach dem Adlerjägerfestival die Weite Bayan-Olgii erkunden wollten, hatte wir im Voraus bereits einen Reiseführer angeheuert, um uns durch die unberührte Weite zu begleiten und uns in kasachischen und mongolischen Familien unterzubringen.


Since we knew that we wanted to explore the vastness of Bayan-Olgii after the Eagle Hunter Festival, we had hired before leaving Europe a guide to accompany us through this pristine and wild land and to arrange accomidation for us in Kazakh and Tuvan families.


Bayan-Olgii - Adlerjägerfestival - Golden Eagle Festival

October 5th and 6th, 2013

Nachdem wir einige Tage im Zug verbracht und einen kurzen Abstecher am Baikalsee gemacht haben, hatten wir es ziemlich eilig, nach Olgii (Hauptstadt des aimags Bayan-Olgii) und zum dortigen Adlerjägerfestival zu gelangen, dass jährlich am ersten Oktoberwochenende stattfindet.


After spending a few days in the train we made ​​a short trip to Lake Baikal, we were in a hurry to get to Olgii (the capital of the Bayan Olgii aimag - province) and to the local Golden Eagle Hunters’ festival that takes place annually on the first weekend in October.


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