October 28th to November 20th, 2013
November 20, 2013
Notre voyage en Chine fut une expérience exceptionnelle avec de la bonne bouffe, des rencontres enrichissantes (même si nous ne pouvions pas communiquer en anglais avec la plupart des gens), des paysages incroyables et des visites culturelles exceptionnelles.
October 28th to November 20th, 2013
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You remember “Where is Waldo”, right?
Help John find Bekki!
November 24, 2013
Visitors coming to China will probably notice that there is an unusually high number of “official” signs in both Chinese and English. It would seem that the Party is not really content to allow locals to rely upon their civic sensibilities to guide their behavior, and prefers to provide “Dos” and “Don’t” for pretty much anything. We encountered signs reminding us not to jump off of buildings, spit or trample works of public art; signs to remind us not to drink pond water or to pee on the floor; and even some signs that would actually tell us what it is we are visiting (actually rather rare in China).Add News Story here
November 19, 2013
No trip to Beijing is complete without a hike up (and down) the Great Wall of China. Early on the 19th of November we hopped on the 916 bus from Beijing and after about an hour switched to a min-van to take us to the Matianya section of the Great Wall of China.
November 14, 2013
Notre activité préférée en Chine c’est manger. Avant de partir de la France nous étions habitués chez un petit resto chinois sur le Boulevard Saint Germain qui s’appelle Les Pâtes Vivantes, spécialisés dans les pâtes fraiches. Quand nous sommes tombés sur un kiosk des pâtes fraiches dans les rue de Kaifeng, nous avons naturellement prit un plat.
November 9, 2013
Xi'an, une ville de 4 million d'habitants et considérée comme une des villes avec la meilleure qualité de vie en Chine, est encerclée par une muraille de 14 km. Nous avons loué des vélos et nous sommes partis faire la tour.
November 6, 2013
When we first arrived in China we instantly felt the number of people living this land... After about a week, we decided to head out of the cities and see for ourselves what rural China is like. After some funky bus rides and a bit of hiking we ended up in the cliff village of Li Jai Shan.