To the left, John's 55L North Face backpack weighing 13 kilos.
To the right, Bekki's 48L Osprey backpack weighing 10 and 1/2 kilos.
Packing list
September 24, 2013
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As is the tradition for many travel blogs, to kick off our journey, we will start with the ubiquitous packing list. The idea here is to show you everything that we are taking: from cold weather gear right down to our undies and toothbrush. As we travel (and if we remember to think about it) we will update this list in order to let you know what has made the cut and what we have tired of carring around...
So here it goes, the first item on the list (and yes, these are the only bags we are taking besides a temporary bag for food to eat on the train):
The Backpacks
John (left):
1 jeans
1 pants that become shorts
1 baseball cap
7 t-shirts
1 long sleeve tee and 1 collared shirt
6 undies
3 pairs of hiking socks and liners
5 pairs of regular socks
1 rain jacket
Bekki (right)
2 pairs of jeans
4 t-shirts
3 long sleeve t-shirts
1 nice shirt
9 undies
2 bras and 1 sports bra
1 rain jacket
This stuff, with the execption of our shoes, is mostly for the Mongolia leg of our journey. We will be sending home the majority of our winter gear right before heading down to Thailand..
John (left):
Hiking shoes
2 long underwear bottoms
1 long underwear top
1 fleece pullover
Wool cap
Nano Puff
1 sleeping bag crushed down as small as possible
Bekki (right)
Hiking shoes
2 long underwear bottoms
1 long underwear top
2 fleece pullovers
Wool cap
Nano Puff
1 sleeping bag crushed down as small as possible
Cold weather gear and shoes
Ok, so we are going to break with tradition and not list every item on these lists... Should you have any questions qbout what something is, just put it in the comments.
Items of note (!):
Head lamp
Deck of playing cards
Pharmacy kit
Duct tape
Angry Bird tattoos
3 can openers (to give as gifts in Mongolia)
Ear plugs
Extra contact lenses
Travel towels
Random usefull items and toilletries
Items (other than cables)
2 Kindle readers
1 iPhone
1 Olympus digital camera
1 Nikon digital camera with a long zoom lens
Bekki' iPod
Ear buds
Power adapters & chargers