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500,000 inhabitants


Wo ist Bekki?   Where is Bekki?   Mais... ou est Bekki bordel ?

Part 1 of 2


October 28th through November 20th


Pingyao - Taoist Temple


0 fulltime inhabitants


Li Jai Shan


40 inhabitants


Terracotta Army


6000 inhabitants (so far...)


Ubiquitous Chinese Tourist Group


10 to 150 inhabitants per group




4 million inhabitants


Vous connaissez « Où est Charlie » ?


John a passé son temps en Chine à chercher Bekki… Pourquoi ? 1) Parce que la Chine contient plus de 1 milliard d’habitants! 2) Parce que, comme beaucoup tout le monde en Chine, Bekki portait un manteau rouge. 3) Parce qu’il est difficile de trouver quelqu’un quand il y a toujours un million des personnes habillées pareil !


Aidez John à trouver Bekki!



You remember “Where is Waldo”, right?


John spent most of his time in China looking for Bekki. Why? Because, 1) there are over 1 billion inhabitants in China! 2) Because like loads of people in China Bekki wear a red jacket. 3) Because it is hard to find someone when there is always a million people dressed exactly the same!


 Help John find Bekki!

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